Jeff Casey Online


Welcome, friends.

This site is a work in progress. Below are a few quick links.

  • Jeff's Flickr page: Pictures of travels and randomness taken with a Canon EOS 400D.

  • The videos page: Here you can find footage of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, my Italian Greyhound, Stuart, and a bunch of grown men acting like teenagers.

  • Use This as a Coaster: A project I recorded with The Hookahs between 1997 and 2001. There is now a link to purchase on iTunes.

  • The Rock 2000 Show: High school pirate radio, the pinnacle of silliness, ca. 1989-1990. More shows to come.

  • Links to some articles I wrote during my tenure at Electronic Musician in the late 90s.

  • In cleaning out the trunk of my car a few months ago, I found a copy of the November 2001 Music & Sound Retailer, one of the last issues of the magazine that I edited. The bulk of the issue had been completed in August of that year, but it didn't go to the printer until after 9/11, so the cover story and certain other last-minute elements reflect what had just transpired. This was my editorial, which was essentially a guttural reaction.

  • The Hookahs Christmas album, a seasonal favorite. Of all the music we've played together as a band over the years, this silly project has generated the most intertest. Also various demos